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National Stock Numbers

The John W. Hock Company has a number of products registered with a National Stock Number for the Defense Department ( DoD ). The DoD requires this numbering system which is used to identify every product within the DoD supply system. The NSN is made up of thirteen digits in this sequence: XXXX-XX-XXX-XXXX.

The following products from The John Hock Company have National Stock Numbers.

National Stock Number
John W. Hock Stock Number
6140-00-432-0490 Battery 6-volt, 12 amp 2.30
3740-01-106-0091 Trap, mosquito light 512.MIL
3740-00-607-0337 New Jersey light trap, stainless steel 1112
3740-01-474-7402 Mouth aspirator 412
3740-01-454-2256 Mouth aspirator with HEPA filter 612
3740-01-457-5527 UpDraft UV light trap 1312.12
6545-01-457-5511 Gravid trap 1712
3740-01-527-5618 Fine mesh collection cup 1.49
3740-01-527-5623 Fine mesh, 2-ring collection bag 1.45